Dr. Heikki Topi is Professor of Computer Information Systems at Bentley University in Waltham, MA. He earned his Ph.D. in Management Information Systems at the Indiana University Graduate School of Business, his M.Sc. at Helsinki School of Economics, and his M.Th. at University of Helsinki. He has served as Chair of the CIS Department and as Associate Dean of Business for Graduate and Executive Programs at Bentley University.
His teaching interests cover a range of topics including advanced systems analysis and design, systems modeling, data management, and IT infrastructure. His recent research focuses on systems development methodologies, human factors and usability issues in the context of enterprise systems, information search and data management, and IS education.
His work has been published in journals such as European Journal of Information Systems, JASIST, Information Processing & Management, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, Communications of the AIS, Journal of Database Management, Small Group Research, and others. He has published more than 50 journal articles, book chapters, and conference papers. He is co-author of a leading data management textbook, Modern Database Management, with Jeffrey A. Hoffer and V. Ramesh, co-editor of IS Management Handbook and Computing Handbook, 3rd Edition: Information Systems and Information Technology, and co-editor of Education Department of CAIS.
He has been actively involved in leadership roles related to national and global computing curriculum development and evaluation efforts including IS 2002, CC2005, and as task force co-chair of both IS 2010 and recently completed MSIS 2016. He served on ACM’s Education Board and Education Council from 2006 until 2016 and represented first AIS and then ACM on CSAB’s Board from 2005 until 2015. Since July 2017, he has served as AIS Vice President of Education.