EDSIGCON | CONISAR 2018 - Joint Conference Highlights


Joint Conferences Highlights

Norfolk, Virginia - October 31 - November 3, 2018

Les Waguespack

Welcome from

Les Waguespack

EDSIG President

Greetings and Welcome to Norfolk, Virginia and the 34rd gathering of the EDSIG membership at EDSIGCON / CONISAR.

Since 1982 with only two exceptions, EDSIG has gathered annually to share and exchange the scholarship of computing research, practice, and education. Through those combined contributions EDSIG enriches educational programs and curricula as well as the professionalism of computing educators, administrators, and practitioners. The annual conferences reach the world by channeling scholarship through the conference proceedings, the Information Systems Education Journal, ISEDJ, the Journal of Information Systems Applied Research, JISAR, and the flagship of EDSIG, the Journal of Information Systems Education, JISE. In collaboration with ACM, IEEE-CS, and AIS, EDSIG has consistently contributed to the advancement of curricular guidelines for computing and information systems and continues that tradition today in the work of Computing Curricula 2020 to envision the global future of computing education.

This year you’ll find the cultural vibrancy of Norfolk matched by lively discourse among colleagues in panels, workshops, paper/abstract/case presentations all organized and realized through the tireless efforts of reviewers, session chairs, track chairs, and our conference chair in concert with the ISCAP and EDSIG Boards of Directors. Those efforts over more than a year’s planning and preparation culminate in the fellowship of a community dedicated to learning, teaching, and research. Please take a moment to thank the conference team if you get the chance. This conference is a 100% volunteer effort and I hope that you’ll consider joining that effort yourself for next year! Please feel free to share with me your impressions, ideas and suggestions for growing and improving EDSIG and the EDSIGCON / CONISAR experience going forward. Together, we are EDSIG!

Les Waguespack
2018 EDSIG President
Bentley University