EDSIGCON | CONISAR 2021 - Joint Conference Highlights


Joint Conferences Highlights

Washington, DC - November 3 - November 6, 2021

Journal Submission Information

ISEDJ (Information Systems Education Journal)

JISAR (Journal on Information Systems Applied Research)

Papers to be considered for publication in ISEDJ & JISAR must first be submitted, accepted and presented at either the EDSIGCON or CONISAR Conferences. A minimum of three double-blind peer reviews occurs for acceptance to be presented at the conferences.

After the conference, the top 15% of papers presented at the conference are automatically accepted into the journals. The award winning papers: best paper (1% of the pool); distinguished papers (7 to 8% of the pool); and meritorious (up to 15% of the pool) will be presented certificates at the conference.

The remainder of the papers submitted before the second submission date (usually July 15) that are accepted and presented at the conference are considered for publication following another round of reviews.

Authors are given the opportunity to improve the quality of their manuscript based on conference feedback; the revised manuscripts are due back by December 31 of the conference year. The reviews are normally complete by February 28 of the following year, and notice of acceptance or rejection are sent in early March.

These revised papers are submitted to a different team of reviewers and those papers that are deemed of sufficient quality are accepted for publication in the ISEDJ/JISAR journals. Thus these papers have been through a minimum of five different reviewers.

Currently the overall acceptance rate for both journals is 40%.