Joint Conferences Highlights

Washington, DC - November 3 - November 6, 2021

anthony Serapiglia

Welcome from

Anthony Serapiglia
St. Vincents College

EDSIGCON/CONISAR Conferences Chair

Welcome to EDSIGCON/CONISAR 2021! As conference chair, it is a very special honor to be able to welcome everyone – both in person and virtually. The true strength of the ISCAP-EDSIG group is our sense of community. It is truly wonderful to be able to get together again.

Personally, this gathering is extra meaningful. My introduction to this conference and collection of exceptional people was in 2009 – in Crystal City. At that time I was in the middle of my doctoral program and in the middle of the career transition – still working in industry while adjuncting and finishing my degree. There were a lot of things I was trying to figure out!

One thing I did figure out quickly at that conference in 2009 was that these were my people. They were inquisitive, wanting to know things. They welcomed me. They cared about what I was doing, what I was researching, and what I was teaching. They wanted to help.

As many things that have changed in the intervening years, these things have stayed the same.

I truly believe that the same strengths of this organization that I found when I discovered EDSIG then are still here in abundance for anyone who may be discovering us here at EDSIGCON/CONISAR in Crystal City 2021. I would not be where I am today as a professor and educator without the help and guidance that I received from those I have met through this conference through the years. This organization continues to be here for you – to continue a legacy of research, support of educators young and old, and support of Information Systems as an integral discipline in today’s world and beyond.

Thank you to all who have dedicated time talent and expertise in bringing this event together. Thank you to our paper chairs – Neelima Bhatnagar and RJ Podeschi on the EDSIGCON side, Biswadip Ghosh and Jeff Cummings on the CONISAR side. Thank you to the chair of cases Ira Goldstein, and Victor Berardi chair of abstracts. Thank you as well to our sponsor and vendor chair Greg Blundell and Nesrin Bakir as panels and workshops chair. Special thanks to Jeff Cummings and Michael Smith for taking the lead on facilitating the virtual presentations. Thank you to Eric Breimer for his leadership as ISCAP-EDSIG president. Thank you to Tom Janicki, for everything.

Finally – THANK YOU – everyone who has chosen to be here, in person or virtually – for sharing your passion, your research, your valuable time and insight with us. We are a community – and our community is stronger the more people who participate. You make this conference – you make this organization – you continue the legacy of sharing and nurturing.