Distinguished Fellows

Warren E. Duclos, Jr.
Tulane University & Delgado Community College


Dr. Duclos holds a Bachelor’s degree from Spring Hill College, a Master’s from St. Louis University, and a Ph. D. from Florida State. He took his first computer courses in 1967 (Fortran and Assembly), and never looked back. Dr. Duclos served for twenty-five years in a variety of roles at Tulane’s University College -- stepping down in 2005 as Assistant Dean for Computing, where he was in charge of both academic programs and administrative technologies. After leaving Tulane University, he served as Department Chair for Computer Information Technology at Delgado Community College until retiring in 2015. Warren’s primary interests are curriculum and course design and improvement. He has a particular expertise in developing and improving articulation programs between two and four year colleges, since he has worked both sides of the aisle; he created planning strategies and learning outcome transition matrices for 2- and 4-year colleges to use in their efforts to specify and improve their articulations. During 40 years in higher education, most of it in I. S. and I. T. fields, he has taught systems analysis, systems design, and database development; he has served in various administrative positions and has worked with partner faculty to improve courses, curricula, technologies, and instructional methods. In recent years, his primary focus has been on coaching faculty and students in adapting to the new model for education that is directed to learning outcomes, and to the teaching/learning process itself as active, engaging, and experiential. His first EDSIG-sponsored conference was ISECON in Dallas in 1988. He served as an EDSIG Board member for 6 years and as Board Secretary for 3 years; and he’s helped host the EDSIG conference whenever it has been held in New Orleans. Since retirement from full-time academia, Warren’s hobbies include gardening, history and genealogy, and adventure travel around Europe.

About AITP-EDSIG Fellows

Each year Fellows are inducted in honor of their sustained, long-term, meaningful and effective support of EDSIG in its ongoing mission to improve IS Education, mentor IS students, and foster the careers of IS faculty.